e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Self Regulative Learning

This is the ability of the learner to be in total control of his / her learning environment. The thought of what to learn, plan what he has thought to learn, execute the plan and monitor the process, the outcome which is the performance, give feedback, identify his or her weak areas, areas he has made mistakes and areas he has performed well. The learner evaluates himself. The learner is in full control of the learning environment. The teacher is only acting as a facilitator.

Self-regulated learning can be used in a cooperative competitive learning environment. It takes into consideration, individual differences among the learners, their interests, intellectual ability, time, skills and other related variables of the learners.

The first step in this type of learning is Goal setting which is set by the learners, this is followed by self-monitoring, next is self-instruction and self-reinforcement. The teacher moderates the learning process. Examples of self-regulated learning are: good, selection of problem-solving strategies and the ability to monitor emotions such as frustration. time management.

Learners monitor their learning using self-observation and self-reflection. For example, learners can use observation to examine the outcome of their examination or test if they study at night compared to the outcome when they don’t study at night if their study. Also, they can reflect on their study pattern and compare it with their performance in a given subject. The followings are some of the benefits of self-regulated learning. (I )it provides learners with the flexibility think, interpret, and apply the knowledge they gain at their own pace to solve problems.(2) Facilitates individualized learning. (3) Build critical soft skills. (4) create intrinsic motivators. (5) improves access



  • Muneera Sub
  • Husain Altowairqi
  • سعيد احمد
  • Larasz Moody