e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Metacognition is the process of thinking about one’s own thinking and learning.

It involves knowing when you know, knowing when you don’t know, and knowing what to do when you don’t know. In other words, it involves self-monitoring and correcting your own learning processes.

if you realize that your approach to solving a problem is not working, and you decide to try a different approach and also involves knowing yourself as a learner; that is, knowing your strengths and weaknesses as a learner.

Metacognitive processes can be applied to learning and thinking in all disciplines and contexts. It is an essential skill for life-long learning, and therefore, metacognitive skills need to be taught and discussed with students.

Metacognitive approach.

Metacognitive approach to supporting our student learning involves promoting student metacognition – teaching students how to think about how they think and how they approach learning. Why is this important? It makes thinking and learning visible to students.

Metacognitive Strategies.

There are alot of them but as an example i will provide one which is 

Learning Journals

Allow students to monitor their own thinking. What about my study strategies for this exam worked well and what should I continue to do for the next exam? What did not work well that I should change next time?

  • Alanood Nood
  • Adil Alshwiman