e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Visual Learning

Visual Learning

Visual learning is a type of learning style in which images, graphics, colours, and maps are used to communicate ideas and thoughts. Visual learners must see information to learn it. These learners are likely to have a photographic memory and may use colour, tone, and brightness to recall information. In class, visual learners will benefit from seeing diagrams drawn either on a chalkboard or in slideshows. It is the diagrammatic representation of information.

Visual learning learns more easily when information is presented in a visual way emphasizing sight over methods that emphasize hearing (auditory), and physical manipulation (kinesthetic) methods. Students that are visual learners, need to see pictures, graphics, and diagrams, to learn effectively. It is a mode of learning where students rely on graphic aids to remember and learn the material. Visual learners can easily visualize objects, have a great sense of balance and alignment, are color-oriented, and can effortlessly envision imagery. Visual learners learn best by color-coding their notes, making to-do lists, and using concept maps to organize their thoughts.







  • Adil Alshwiman