e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Project-Based Learning

The project-based learning method is a teaching method for students to gain knowledge and skills working for an extra period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question. It is an instructional approach that was designed to give students a great opportunity to develop knowledge and skills. In project-based learning, it is important for students to investigate and respond to genuine, complex, and engaging problems. Project-based learning is learning by doing which is more than just doing a project. In project-based learning students used more senses resulting in more understanding and for students to be self-sufficient, creative, and critical thinking.

The skills developed in project-based learning enable students to face and tackle some real-life challenges through practical applications leading to life success. Project-based learning can still be referred to as experiential learning, or discovery learning. The kind of experience the students will have while working through project-based learning will be so clear and the knowledge gained is permanent since the knowledge is discovered through experience. The following elements are involved in project-based learning, a challenging problem, sustained inquiry, authenticity, student choice, reflection, critique and revision, then, public product.

Project-based learning connects students to the world beyond the classroom and prepares students to accept and meet challenges in the real world. Project-based learning provides an opportunity for students to engage deeply with the target content, bringing about a focus on long-term retention. Project-based learning improves student attitudes toward education (Hosler, (2013). Project-based learning has ability to keep students engaged (Gonzalez, 2016). The Project-based learning structure lending to building of intrinsic motivation because it centres student learning around a central question and a meaningful outcome.



Hosler, A. (2013). What you should know about project-based learning. Education World.

Gonzalez, T. (2016). Project-based learning: Start here. Cult of Pedagogy.