e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Simulation in Teaching and learning


Simulation is an experiential model of learning, where the student by himself extrapolates the concept Through a real-world scenario.

Simulations take several forms. They may contain elements of:

a game
a role-play
a tabletop exercise
an activity that acts as a metaphor.

students in physics medicine and science classes usually face a complex model which needs simplification and that can by achieved easily by simulating 

here's an example of how an explanation of such a hard topic as spatial-temporal area is simplified 


technology simplified this way of learning so much as you can easily simplify a real-life situation with media also there is a huge benefit of simulated learning in medicine as new doctors can break the fear of first operation through a simulated environment using virtual reality technology


using simulation makes the teaching and learning process more enjoyable and also it facilitates the memorization of information as the student himself is part of the scenario not just a passive member of the education process





  • Amer Aljohani