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adaptive learning

Adaptive learning is one of the modern trends used in the development of education, especially in e-learning. It is also considered one of the most important educational and technological developments that have emerged in recent years as an input that provides appropriate learning for each learner according to his desires and individual characteristics that distinguish him from other learners. It also helps in organizing electronic content. facilitating access to it, and practicing educational activities in accordance with the nature of the learners and their individual characteristics. General traditional learning to adaptive or specialized learning. It can be considered as a non-traditional form of learning

Advantages of adaptive learning

Adaptive learning is characterized by dealing with a large number of students and different qualities, and they differ according to their learning styles and methods.

Adaptive learning also plays a big role in helping students with special needs.

In addition, adaptive learning meets all the needs of gifted and gifted students, and helps students with learning difficulties.

One of the advantages of adaptive learning is that it is more able to adapt quickly to the educational environments that surround it, no matter how different it is.

Adaptive learning contributes to saving time and effort for the learner, whether in determining the identity of the learning style or in the learner's comprehension of the content.

Adaptive learning also contributes to reducing failure rates, and it also contributes to preventing dropouts that may occur in the educational process.

Adaptive learning also contributes to providing good results compared to other educational systems.

This type of education also contributes to achieving the principle of personalizing self-education.

Adaptive learning also offers the learner the things that suit him and the things he needs.


Adaptive learning also contributes to enhancing learners' self-confidence, as it presents content in a way that suits each student individually.