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Learning games

Educational games are one of the means that the teacher needs to teach his students, and they are suitable for all stages of education, but they are badly needed in the first years of education. energies and exploring the environment with its different characteristics through experiments and practice, and a means for developing thinking. It is known that learning through play is one of the effective methods that are supported by psychology and supported by modern educational trends. There are positive effects of educational games. Educational games have great positive effects on students, including intellectual and social aspects. And emotional, motor and linguistic. According to specialists, educational games help in the growth of memory, thinking and perception, and unleash students' imagination, as the first step on the path to innovation, as well as enhancing prior reading skills such as application and visual differentiation. Fun and humorous educational games also contribute to building Students' personality and enhance your self-confidence, through honest competition to outperform others as an adequate Rad, or within the group, as well as acquiring cooperation skills and respect for others, especially in group educational games. Through educational games, students gain self-confidence, learn to respect laws through the rules imposed by games, as well as strengthen group belonging.

Among the characteristics of electronic educational games: the use of games in education is one of the most important means that attract the attention of learners, and educational theories confirm that drawing attention is more important than encouraging in the learning process, and therefore educational games help to focus information and its stability in the minds of students for what it is characterized by. It grabs students' attention while using it

There are two types of educational games, the first is the competitive style: in this style there is a winner or loser in all cases, whether it is between one learner and another, or between the learner and the educational device such as a computer. The second is the exploratory scientific style: In this style, the educational game aims to develop innovation, creativity and thinking among the participants. Such as: computer educational simulation games.

  • Zhoor Ahmad
  • عفاف علي