e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Socratic Method: Eureka, I understand!

Today I saw a video of Socratic dialogue method in our Learning Ecologies course. Despite of the fact I know this method from my philosophy course in university, I’ve never thought that it is fruitful to use it with younger learners in school. But after making a bit research I found out that it is not only very useful but can be a thrilling process for both sides. So, Socratic method is: „Here are some characteristics of Socratic Dialogue:

Clarification of the thought
Critical examination of the thought
Exploration of the origin or source of the statement
Examination of the implications and consequences of the statement
Examination of alternative views“ (from https://deploymentpsych.org/content/socratic-dialogue).

So, we can see that using Socratic method is the best way to develop critical thinking and logical argumentation. Sure, our kids need these skills in contemporary world. I think one of the best pros of using Socratic dialogue in studying that kids will have strong, solid knowledges in the end. These knowledges not connected with old school long-memory-driven studying, but with forming new neuroconnections and, therefore, having knowledges that are independent and usable. How it can happen? The form of speaking is a dialogue, so teaches (as Socrates) constantly asking quastions and student answers and due to special questions student comes by his own to any answers, arguments or doubts. There are no ready answers! Also it is very interesting to think about collaboration of Socratic method and e-learning (chats, forums etc). In e-learning environment all students can take part in discussion in one moment, they do not have to wait until someone will answer and everything will be not chaotic, as can be in the real classroom. So everyone can be in the equal position and happy. Isn’t it wonderful? Please comment, what do you think on it?
