e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Video Games in Learning: Friends or Foes?

Most of teachers of old-school way of learning will react with wonder or even anger to the suggestion to play video games in the classroom. But on my opinion there is a great potential in using games while learning. Due to such reasons as great shift from command and hierarchial learning, modern researches in cognitive psychology and neurobiology and great interest of kinds in video games, I assume that using videogames will be fruitful for studying. Creative, creation are the main words of the modern world. Current kids will be not able to be successful in future without creativity and being only in the executors role. Nobody needs just hard-working people - now employee has to be brave and inventive to bring money to company. Video games give possibility to think big, practicing being more open-minded, try new things, even to communicate. Player can create their own world, shape their own characters and , therefore, achieve results, but these results may different from player to player, but all are good. This is actually the same what modern active-learning-driven education wants to be like: learners don’t have to do the same to achieve success in studying. Also it is important to mention synesthesia concept learning. This concept based on scientifical evidences, that using different senses (visual, audial, tactile etc) for learning something can improve results significantly. Video games actually push player to use almost all his senses. Also very important, that kids and teenagers will definitely accept teachers’ proposals to play games and we don’t have to invent bycicle to motivate them. To summarize, we should say that it would be not very clever to ignore all pros of video games in education process. But of course teachers should use them wisely.

 Read more here: https://acerforeducation.acer.com/education-trends/gamification/5-reasons-to-introduce-game-based-learning-at-school/?gclid=CjwKCAiAr4GgBhBFEiwAgwORrUQyxeovy4lg77ex1U0UtLhiU6MtbFsNzvn9mqJ89LxN3KYJFtOMBxoCyuQQAvD_BwE

  • Refa Qahtani