e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Visual learning

Visual learning is a type of learning that relies on the use of visual aids to help students understand and remember information. It is based on the idea that people learn better when they can see what they are learning. Visual learning can be used in many different ways, such as through diagrams, charts, pictures, videos, and other visual tools. Visual learners often find it easier to remember information when it is presented in a visual format.

Visual learning can be beneficial for students of all ages and abilities. For younger students, visual learning can help them understand concepts more quickly and easily than if they were just reading about them in a textbook. For older students, visual learning can help them retain information better than if they were just listening to lectures or reading textbooks. Visual learners also tend to be more engaged with their studies because they are able to see what they are studying rather than just hearing about it or reading about it.

Visual learning can also be beneficial for those who have difficulty understanding written material or who have difficulty focusing on written material for long periods of time. By using visuals, these students are able to focus more easily on the material and retain the information better than if they were just trying to read or listen to lectures.

Methods to Application:
1. Use visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and graphs to explain concepts.
2. Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and images into lessons.
3. Utilize color coding to organize information and highlight important points.
4. Provide hands-on activities that involve manipulating objects or creating visuals.
5. Ask students to draw pictures or diagrams to illustrate their understanding of a concept or idea.
6. Use mind maps to help students organize their thoughts and ideas in a visual way.
7. Incorporate real-world examples into lessons to help students make connections between abstract concepts and concrete objects or situations.
8. Have students create presentations using visuals such as slideshows or posters to demonstrate their understanding of a topic or concept.


Overall, visual learning is an effective way for students of all ages and abilities to learn new material and retain information better than if they were just relying on traditional methods such as reading textbooks or listening to lectures. It is important for teachers to incorporate visuals into their lessons in order to maximize student engagement and comprehension of the material being taught.


  • Mustafa Alakhudair