e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update 5: Blended Learning

Blended Learning is an approach which blends technology and online learning with traditional instructor led teaching activities. It is also known as hybrid or mixed-mode learning and provides the affordance of multi-modal learning, active knowledge making and to an extent ubiquitous learning.

While the didactic approach has existed since centuries, the advent of the Internet opened up our minds to online learning. But since there exist no specific formulae for blending the two, a cocktail approach is being administered across many parts of the world. For instance, various technologies such as asynchronous discussion boards, blogs and synchronous conferencing are being used in developing online instructional components. On the other hand, face to face instruction is taking place at different frequencies in a week.

For the past couple of decades, the Indian education sector has witnessed the advent of a flood of smart technology. But what needs to be questioned is the misplaced understanding of showing a few multi-media videos in class or asking the students to upload assignments online as blended learning. The challenge, according to me, is to align the approaches of blended learning with the flipped classroom. The multiple affordances of new learning can only be possible with the role of an instructor as a facilitator and learners as active collaborators in knowledge making. If technological tools and online mode are used only as appendage to heritage face to face approach, as can be witnessed in many settings across the world, this will not help in achieving the attainment levels.

  • Laly Antoney