e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is an educational approach adopted by a teacher in a classroom that caters to the unique learning need and styles of each student. Understanding each students’ strengths, needs, skills, and interests is a prerequisite to having such an educational approach. Personalized learning lies in the principle of creating a challenging experience that supports individual learning and development. The significance of personalized learning lies in the fact that teachers can’t expect all students in their classroom to learn in the exact same way or at the exact same pace. Creating a bespoke learning experience and tailoring that to students’ needs means each individual gets the right kind of education based on how they learn and what interests them. Personalized learning accelerates a student’s innate potential to its fullest. It can involve experimental learning, teacher-led instruction, group work, flexible hours, and online learning.



Figure 1: Personalized Learning Process Flow

The possibilities in technology and media and environments in the educational environment have immensely helped a teacher’s freedom in classrooms. For example, using game-based learning systems allows students to learn at their own individual pace, and have fun while doing it. The shift in learning mode to online during the pandemic has opened more avenues that a teacher can give personalized learning. For example, in MS Teams educational App, a student’s group can be created to create a specialized learning environment for certain types of students. Also, a certain group of students who require to be treated differently like with learning disabilities can be better educated by creating special space and special learning plans. Game-based learning also can be a solution in these situations.