e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous Learning

For me ‘Ubiquitous learning’ (when done correctly) represents the breaking of a glass ceiling. It extends beyond physical and metaphorical ‘walls of the classroom and cells of the timetable’ (Kalantzis and Cope, 2016). My hypothesis however is that if done incorrectly it can do more harm than good to the learning process. I have personally encountered a scenario where overnight an entire school changed its pedagogy to ‘flipped classrooms ’Link. While this looks very ‘cool’ from a marketing perspective unless teachers and students have the correct training, support and IT infrastructure chaos ensues. My point is ‘Technologies are pedagogically neutral’ (Kalantzis and Cope, 2016). Without sufficient training and support technology and ubiquitous learning can do enormous damage. Better a strong didactic model than a weak reflexive model..