Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

New Forms of Assessment

Assessment and teaching go hand in hand. The teaching without assessement is futile. Assessment may come in many forms; we have assessment that is in a traditional form and assessment that uses technology. Traditional assessment and modern learning styles can create a contrasting balance; and so assessment must come in a new form coinciding the new ways or approaches of leanring. 

New Forms of assessment have more benifits. It has a flexible and wide range of influence tlo get the authentic result of the assessment and cam be sone instant. Technology embedded assessments are way more convenient to use and can sustain the motivation of the learners and it also suits their learning styles.

New forms of assessments are also those who do not need the physcal presence of the teacher to assess the outputs. Peer to peer assessment is one modern way of assessment. It allows a peer to evaluate and assess the output of performance of another peer against a set of criteria or rubric that the teacher must provide. e-portfolios are another example of new forms of assessment. Unline the traditional portfolio, the learners can explore their creativity in using the resources available in the internet to express the desired results.

However, the downfall of all of these is the availability if the materials needed for these new forms of assessment.