Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Assignment 1



Testing knowledge is measuring the idea that your brain was capable of...let say i have the knowledge on how to give an advice to those student for example who doesn't know how to improve them self in different aspect of their life...again idea...they can measure me as an adviser to give an effective output like receive praises..

Testing intelligence is measuring the expertise of the brain cell
Capacity of knowledge intake of an individual...not all people like einstein or not all people can passed the exams without reviewing but there some who are capable on this....

Both was effective for me here are some ex.since my world was languages i found this anoloy

1. Decibel: sound: volt
A. Watts
D. Lighting

Ans is electricity

is a breakdown of the most common logic-based tests:
Fr. Google....there alot of sample of logic tests that for the good development of knowledge to intelligence those meaning helps me alot

Inductive reasoning:
Inductive reasoning is the ability to reach general conclusion based on perceived patterns observed in specific events. Inductive logic is often used in everyday life and is therefore practical to a work place environment. In these tests candidates will be provided with a series of diagrams with an evident pattern. Candidates will need to identify the pattern in the sequence of diagrams and select the next diagram in the sequence

Deductive reasoning:
Deductive reasoning involves a general rule or principle that leads to a specific conclusion. These tests will evaluate and measure a candidate's ability to make logical arguments and draw sound conclusions based on provided data, as well as identify flaws in a piece of information. As a result this is a useful tool in selection procedures as this type of reasoning will be used in the workplace. This type of reasoning will often be used in verbal reasoning tests and numerical tests, and is therefore very likely to be encountered in recruitment processes.

Abstract reasoning:
Abstract reasoning, also known as conceptual reasoning measures your lateral thinking ability. In these tests candidates will be tested on their ability to identify relationships, patterns and trends. Candidates will be provided with a series of images that follow a logical sequence or underlying rules. This may include following a rule in a sequence, identifying a code or finding a missing diagram.

Diagrammatic reasoning:
Diagrammatic reasoning is a specific form of abstract reasoning. Tests which assess this ability will typically show a flowchart of diagrams and symbols, with an input and an output. Candidates will need to identify which inputs effect diagrams, and therefore generate a specific output based on those rules.

Critical thinking:
Critical thinking tests are a type of verbal critical reasoning task which assesses various different types of logical reasoning in arguments, assumptions and conclusions. Typical logical abilities tested include analysing arguments, making inferences and evaluating conclusions.

We can use different test it depends on what we want to measure ...that was my assessment