Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Week 2 AfL, AaL, AoL

I think that the forms of assessment described in the MOOC are quite comprehensive. There are many types/forms/names for these types of assessments.

Assessment of Learning (AoL), assessment for learning (AfL), and assessment as learning (AsL) are also commonly used. However, I think they are quite similar to the three described earlier.

Assessment of learning - summative assessment or assessment at the end of a learning process. Usually, conclusive, big, challenging. It may incorporate norm reference or/and criterion based assessment. It assesses how much a student learned. The results is a grade (mark).

Assessment for learning is usually criterion based, continuous, formative, progressive. It assesses what student knows, what can be learned next or/and what is the student ready to learn. The result is a constructive feedback.

Assessment as learning, I imagine, is self referenced, and also progressive.The learning itself and the process is assessed, adapted/changed throughout the journey. The product is knowledge/skills. 

Reference: Lonneke H. Schellekens, Harold G.J. Bok, Lubberta H. de Jong, Marieke F. van der Schaaf, Wim D.J. Kremer, Cees P.M. van der Vleuten,
A scoping review on the notions of Assessment as Learning (AaL), Assessment for Learning (AfL), and Assessment of Learning (AoL),
Studies in Educational Evaluation,
Volume 71,