Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Update 1: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) test was created in the 1950s by psychologist,  David Wechsler after whom it is named. It is the most widely used intelligence test today [1], and is based on Wechsler's belief that the Stanford- Binet's Intelligent Quotient test had limitations that needed to be addressed [2]. 

Some key differences between the two intelligence tests, for reference are while the Stanford- Binet test provides a single score to represent the intelligence level of the person who's taking the assessment & is intended to be used for all ages; the WAIS test is designed for use on adults and provides multiple scores per ability tested. 

There have been five editions/ revisions of the WAIS test, and the below shows a pictorial representation of the current version, the 5th one and the areas of assessment [1].  

The WAIS mixes traditional verbal assessments with asspessments that are performance based- to allow for those who have not been through a formal education process to still perform and be measured on their intelligence. For a more indept view to the way the assessment works, shows a few examples of the assessment methodology. 

The key strengths of this assessment format are: 

- Recognition that intelligence can be displayed across various traits

- Recognizes that intelligence in adults and children need different measurements as experiences will build on intelligence through the acquistion of multiple experiences

- Is more inclusive of addressing the barriers to the traditional method of measuring IQ- through its design of activities that are non verbal but still allow the participant to show that they are thinking. 


- The assessment methodology can only be administered in person by a trained psychologist, creating barriers to more widespread testing and given pricing, cannot be administered more widely with economically disadvantaged groups 

- Doesn't include other possible displays of intelligence. For e.g. creativity, musical ability, adaptability 

Can you think of more disadvantages? 




