Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Portfolio - an innovative form of testing and evaluation

Portfolio - an innovative form of testing and evaluation

The portfolio is a relatively new tool for evaluating the idea
for which it first appeared in the 1980s.
Although the term is not contradictory, in the scientific literature,
tours can meet different definitions of a portfolio, a
• The portfolio is a collection of training materials that are collected
through interaction between students and teachers and are an indicator
for the development of trainees (13).
• The learner's portfolio is a representative or selected collection
of study products that document the student's work as per
time per hour and outside of school hours (7).
• The portfolio is a purposeful collection of student assignments,
which shows the students' efforts, their progress and achievements. She
should involve the student 's participation in the content selection of the
portfolio, evaluation criteria and evidence of impact on
student (14).
Given these definitions, it can be summarized that
the portfolio is a systematic and organized collection of training materials-
are you subordinate to a specific goal, which are an indicator of the work of
students in the classroom and at home and provide information about his
achievements and marked development in the learning process.
The portfolio may contain drawings, photos, video and audio
cassettes, writing, tests, self-examination and self-reflection data
to the trainees. The material folder serves as a proof-
for pupils' development. It is strictly defined
a collection of data selected through criteria that are relevant to that purpose. IN
the collection is included - student participation in selected content
field, material selection criterion, evaluation criterion, data on
student self-reflection (8).
Using the portfolio, valuation plays much differently-
personal role. Much more of the students' work is appreciated
through self-assessment, not teacher evaluation. The assessment is therefore complete
ever more formative in the portfolio-based learning process.
To many of the teachers, when they first get acquainted with it, the port-
foil has been introduced as a new, better technique for evaluating and
for many, this is its greatest advantage. The portfolio gives
an opportunity to evaluate the results of the course in a more reliable way
activity. Using the portfolio can overcome the main ones
shortcomings of traditional assessment methods and forms.
Standardized forms of assessment are a quick, effective way
to evaluate some limited pedagogical goals,
already acquiring from students a certain amount of knowledge, concepts and
skills. However, these forms of assessment have little value in
assessing the generative goals that students need to represent
your answer when solving non-standard problems.
Traditional forms of assessment are not sufficiently indicative
about what students know and can do.
The main advantages of the portfolio over traditional methods
and evaluation forms can be summarized in the following aspects (14):
Progressive development
Usually, in traditional assessment, the teacher is informed
about the current level of development of the student's knowledge and skills.
With the portfolio, teachers are able to focus on
what interests them most, namely, the development of indi-
students' dual skills and knowledge for an extended period of time.
Student participation in the assessment
Traditional assessment is an activity performed on the "scientists"
These, as the teacher creates the exam materials, manages the exam
process and evaluate student materials. Students have a passive role
in the process.
By engaging in the portfolio building process, scientists-
these are actively involved in evaluating their own work and in observing
contributing to their educational goals.
Attention to the individual
In large classes, teachers should give one and the same
the same tasks of many students and evaluate their abilities as possible
Fastest. Using standardized test forms and
assessment, it is difficult for teachers to think of students in another way
except for a large group. Educators rarely have the luxury of yes
analyze more deeply the reasons for a student's response to
attitude to his given tasks. Even less often is given the opportunity
to look at a student's work in school as a small aspect
from his overall personality.
When using a portfolio, on the other hand, the development of
the active student is the center of attention. If the students choose a mat-
realities for your own portfolio these collections include objects that
are important to the students themselves and it is something like a self-taught study.
In addition, the portfolio expands the teacher's ability to
recognize the student as a person.
Through their comments about their work, many students will
give the teacher the opportunity to look at them as "people" with hope
and dreams, anxieties and fears. It would

  • Anuradha Varma