Valencianisms in Vicente Blasco Ibáñez’s Cuentos Valencianos

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This article analyzes the stories of Cuentos Valencianos [Valencian Tales] by Blasco Ibáñez, published in 1896. The objective of this analytical research was to examine these stories in order to identify the Valencian terms that were incorporated into the stories by the author. From this analysis, it could be concluded that the use of Valencian in his Spanish texts should be seen as a linguistic interference from a diatopic perspective. To perform the analysis, each of the words or expressions used by Blasco was recorded, and it is observed that although the final number of these expressions is not very high, they do appear in a certain repetitive pattern. Therefore, even if there is not a high level of linguistic contamination of Valencianisms, the expressions have been identified as being especially used in dialogues and moments of high emotion within the plot of the story.