The Use of Learning Management Systems Among Malaysian University Lecturers

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This paper presents the findings of a survey to discover the use and effectiveness of e-learning in tertiary education in Malaysia. It specifically focuses on the portion of the survey that deals with the use of learning management systems (LMS) in Malaysian universities. Data were gathered through a nationwide online survey using the 35-item Malaysian IHL e-Learning Questionnaire - Instructor (MIeLQ-Instructor).The instrument used went through a piloting process before being deployed. The respondents were 1635 lecturers from 26 universities and higher educational institutions in Malaysia. The results indicate that while all the institutions have LMS, only 77% of the respondents make use of the provided LMS. The main reasons for not using LMS are lack of time and skills. However, the findings also indicate that Malaysian lecturers are increasingly using Web 2.0 tools to support their teaching, either in support of LMS or as a replacement for LMS.