The Attitude of Al Balqa Applied University Students toward P ...

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People have different attitudes or tendencies toward a specific issue. The focus of this study is to investigate the convictions of Al Balqa Applied University students toward people with disabilities. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher developed a questionnaire to identify students’ attitudes toward individuals with disabilities. Each questionnaire item was scored on a three-point Likert scale. The questionnaire included two parts: the first part contains personal information of the study sample, that is, gender, specialization, academic year, geographical area, and contact information of persons with disabilities. The second part contained a 60-item scale. Results have clearly illustrated positive tendencies attributed to the gender variable concerning females majoring in special education, their second school year, and their geographical area. It allows researchers and academic professionals to work extensively in this domain to reduce students’ attitudinal disparities. This study demonstrates that socio-demographic variables play a significant role in describing students’ attitudes toward people with disabilities.