Sexual Harassment on Campus

U09 4

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Most countries’ legal systems protect women from sexually harassment but there is no guarantee that this is good enough to prevent women from being sexually abused in the community or in the workplace. Understanding the phenomenon and how it operates is the first step toward solving the sexual harassment problem in the work place. Sexual harassment includes a variety of behaviours and may occur within a variety of relationships, including relationships between persons of the same or different genders or persons of equal or unequal power. Harassment may also be implied by unwelcome physical contact; sexual remarks about a person’s clothing, body or sexual relations; conversations or jokes and stories of a sexual nature; or use in the classroom of sexually explicit materials which are inappropriate or without defensible educational purpose. This study conducted on female students to discover the level of the sexual harassment on the university campus. The study also examined that the sources of the sexual harassment as well as the response of the victims. With this study we also aimed to point that there is need to strengthen the institution’s policies to control sexual harassment in the university campus. In this study we used a sexual harassment questionnaire form.