Promoting Inquiry-based Teaching Practices through an Aquatic ...

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This study aimed at promoting inquiry-based teaching practices through an aquatic toxicology laboratory. An inquiry-based learning unit was collaboratively developed by the teacher, science educator and researcher. The teacher in this study played an important role in designing the instructional unit while the scientific expertise was provided by the researcher. The teacher was trained on how to carry out the scientific activities on aquatic toxicology during the development of the learning unit. The seven-topic learning unit was implemented in the environmental science course for high school students. The educational instruments used to evaluate achievements of both students and the teacher were student projects and presentation, student reflection, teacher reflection, teacher interview, and classroom observation. The results showed that the inquiry-based learning unit successfully promoted the students’ learning outcomes, when compared to the conventional teaching. The students’ achievements in terms of content knowledge, scientific method, attitudes, inquiry skills, and science process skills have significantly increased through the four-week period of the intervention. In addition, the students gained communication skills through collaborative team working. Teaching practices also changed through the intervention as evidenced from interviews of the teacher and her reflection. The results clearly indicated that the teacher in this study gained teaching efficacy from the experience; the teacher gradual became more confident in teaching and giving answers to students’ queries. From the training and class teaching, the teacher also became competent in guiding students in using scientific instruments and conducting the scientific experiments. This study showed offer a guideline for further development of teaching professional in designing and conducting inquiry-based learning unit in the classroom.