Preferred Learning Methods of the Millennial Generation

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The learning and communication style of the Millennial generation is through multi-media. Also known as the Net Generation, they have been raised in an era of instant access. Born from 1981- 2001, the Millennials are the most computer literate of the generations to enter the workforce. Their common method of contact is text messaging and instant messaging as well as cell phones. Learning for them has moved into web-based tools such as web-ct, online journals, and i-pod downloads. Online courses and tele-courses are part of their flexible learning options. The different environment of this technologically enhanced generation will be important to understand for their learning in school as well as the workplace. The attitudes of Millennial generation students from a small private college were measured regarding the style of learning they use, prefer and which method they perceive has resulted most successfully in their acquiring and retaining knowledge. Their views give an illustration of the outlook of this generation towards learning in this day of instant access to a myriad of information sources.