New Learning Concepts for a New Digital Era

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In this text, which is part of a more extensive doctoral dissertation, different views that have been formulated in the twenty-first century regarding learning perspectives are explored in a theoretical way from academic and outsider perspectives in an attempt to explain innovative ways of understanding the new training and learning processes in the digital era. In other words, this study sought to examine how spaces are configured, how learning takes place, and how learners end up being shaped. Therefore, a journey has been taken through these concepts to clarify what they try to define, how they are configured, where they come from, and why it is necessary (or not) to incorporate part of their proposals into the field of educational research—from the enormous impacts of terms such as “edupunk” or the concept of expanded education to other visions that go through collective intelligence, (in)visible learning, or the configuration of soft skills in each individual. Further, the text interrelates these concepts with one of the booming educational trends of recent decades—massive open online courses (MOOC).