Morphologic C-K Reflection for Collaborative Building Design

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Building design involves multi-disciplinary design teams to support this highly complex process. A reflective design approach is developed: Integral Design. This design process approach results in transparency of the design steps and the design decisions. We regard the activities which make these changes obvious to an external observer as the core elements of designing (design as process). The results of these activities are combined with the C-K theory by Hatchuel and Weil, which defines design as a process generating co-expansion of two spaces, space of concepts C and space of knowledge K. Within the design process, the prescriptive methodology of Integral Design is used as a framework for reflection on the design process itself by the use Morphological Charts to construct a Morphological Overview. Morphology provides a structure for reflection in action: to give an overview and to structure the communication and reflection between design team members on the design brief.