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In 2007 NICE guidance on behavior change included the need to “equip practitioners with the necessary competencies and skills to support behavior change”. NHS Yorkshire and The Humber Strategic Health Authority identified that to deliver this agenda; a whole systems collaborative approach was needed that includes commissioners, providers, educationalists and practitioners. This ensures it is responsive; is not prescriptive, and starts from the basis of ‘where the population/individual is’. Additionally it should add value and not detract from existing practice or roles. Sheffield Hallam University was commissioned to develop the Prevention and Lifestyle Behaviour Change Competence Framework. Developed from an extensive review of the literature and through a modified-e-delphi, the framework is simple and flexible with four levels of practice covering eleven competences. Testing was through a case study approach. Additionally, the framework is supported by an economic benefits evaluation and assessment tool. All Primary Care Trusts in NHS Yorkshire and the Humber have begun implementing the framework. Preliminary results indicate that it is acting as a catalyst for changing organizational development culture to look at quality outcomes in relation to the workforce. Commissioners and Providers are using it to understand the basis for behavior change and the balance of population versus individual approaches.