Facilitating Lesson Study within the Postgraduate Accounting Student Workgroup

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Lesson study has been practiced by teachers and lecturers as a form of professional development across a broad content area. However, there has not been any research that explores the implementation of lesson study within the university student workgroup context. Lesson study is based on the premise that learning and change are continuing. At a tertiary level, students are commonly assigned to do group projects, and it seems reasonable to presume that lesson study may be used by the students to produce quality plans and reflect on their approaches to learning. This paper uses a case study approach to provide the best means of exploring this issue. The objects of this study included three Australian postgraduate accounting student workgroups that were each assigned to develop an original case in the area of strategic management accounting. A list of specific tasks, which acted as a basis for developing and refining the research lesson, was assigned to each group, and their progress was monitored from time to time. Periodic feedback was provided and discussions among the group members were facilitated. The main findings suggest that lesson study implementation in some way has a positive impact on students’ deep learning approach in a workgroup situation, and the commitment of each group member and their consensus regarding the research lesson contribute highly to the success of the lesson study implementation.