Do-it-yourself-whiteboards as a Creative Approach to Innovative Media Education

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In Germany, the introduction of interactive whiteboards in education has not been unproblematic. The use of such digital technology at school is often perceived critically among teachers. The reasons put forward for this are numerous – the missing introduction of appropriate pedagogical models, the lack of media skills and confidence of teachers to use such technologies as well as the time frame of school lessons organized in traditional classroom settings often being cited. Teachers stress the problems and constraints, rather than embracing the opportunities opening up using such technology in creative ways. However, the opportunity of creatively shaping the whiteboard technology by the teachers and learners themselves was not in the picture of the whiteboard producer’s commercial strategies so far. The lack of motivation of educators using such tangible media was the starting point for the research undertaken in the field of whiteboard technology and its’ implementation through teacher training. The paper scrutinizes the common trend of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) as a creative practice of contemporary media art and youth culture, which became widespread through the Internet, via hacker communities and the social networks. It discusses the integration of a more playful and experiential approach to media education at school level and in teacher training. The paper suggests the creative development of low cost DIY-whiteboards in education using the Wiimote, a motion sensitive controlling device consisting of a blue tooth interface and a powerful infrared camera, and the software available (Lee 2008) online. In conclusion it looks at the challenge to further explore the nature of the DIY concept as an educational model.