Creating a Climate for Learning in an Online Course

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Professors transitioning from face-to-face classes to online courses find that technology is convenient and efficient in content delivery, but can be impersonal and mechanical for learners. This study was designed to test the efficacy of pedagogical methods in creating a climate for learning in online synchronous courses. Researchers based the investigation on the premise that humanizing elements such as personalization and individualization could promote the engagement and motivation of learners. In this study, professors identified strategies to promote participation and interaction. These strategies were implemented in online, synchronous credit courses, across disciplines and at graduate and undergraduate levels. All courses were delivered using Blackboard and Elluminate Live during the spring semester of 2012. Enrolled students were asked to identify effective methods in end-of-session surveys and end-of-course evaluations. Strategies reported by the students as most effective in creating a learning climate are presented.