Contemporary Computer System Model

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There is a widespread failure in information systems teaching to depict a computer system in a timely and functionally accurate manner. This failure is significant because students use these erroneous illustrations or models to form mental conceptualizations upon which future learning is based. Virtually every diagram used today portrays a computer as based upon “input, output, processing, storage” model that is functionally wrong. The more contemporary model presented in this paper replaces the outdated model. This newly proposed model correctly illustrates a computer as being primarily based upon the major functional elements of the CPU, Memory, and Peripherals. Computing systems rely upon the CPU and Memory interaction for processing data that is transferred via Data Busses from Memory locations enabled by the Address bus. Peripheral devices function to input, output, and process data concurrently. The argument is based upon the fact that virtually all computing peripherals function concurrently as I/O devices. For example, the “outdated” model identifies a hard drive only as a storage device. From a practical and functional perspective, hard disk drives must be viewed to be concurrently functioning as input, output, and storage devices. End users who realize that I/O devices transfer and store data are better prepared to interactively handle data files. Realizing that data can be concurrently input, output, and stored provides for more effective use of technology.