Conceptual and Methodological Approach to Effective Teaching ...

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The construction and validation of a rating scale of self-perceived Competence of the Primary School Teachers (ECAD-EP), a teacher profile developed by teachers of primary education in the Spanish educational system, tries to operationalize teaching styles that allow the teacher to discover those features that best demonstrate a high effectiveness. The structure of the scale validity presents a three-dimensional model in the following order: (a) Socio-emotional, composed of the variables: "Coexistence", "Mediation", "Revitalization Group," "Emotional Involvement", "Adapting Communicative," "Communicative Sensitivity," "Empathy" and "Self-efficacy"; (b) Communicative-relational, consisting of the variables: "Assertiveness", "Affective Leadership", "Executive Leadership", "Conflict Resolution", "Nonverbal Communication" and "Paraverbal Communication"; (c) Instructional, which contains the variables: "Adapting to New Situations," "Instructional Control" and "Planning". Thus, the theoretical model of teaching, as defined initially, has appreciating elements and factors that form a multidimensional concept of meaning, including not only factual or behavioral variables, but also cognitive and metacognitive, social and emotional. Therefore, teaching is not only seen as a sequential, linear or uniform process, but circular in nature with a constant interplay between a number of variables or dimensions and multiple hierarchies.