Concept Formation Teaching Model

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The objective of the study was to check the effectiveness of concept formation teaching model over lecture method on the academic achievement of class nine chemistry students. The concept formation teaching model was based on the principles of advance organization, guided discovery, guided practice, elaboration, inductive and deductive reasoning, and experiential learning. For administering the concept formation teaching model, an experimental group in 143 students and a control group of 147 students were selected from three government high schools for boys and girls of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. At the beginning and end of the three month long experiment, pre-tests and post-tests were administered to the experimental and control groups. Direct instruction was used for the preparation of lesson plans. A t-test and product-moment correlation method and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to check the significance of the difference between two groups at .05 level. The result of the study revealed that the students taught through concept formation teaching model showed better performance than students taught through lecture method.