Command of Technological Competencies by Teacher Training Students

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The European Space of Higher Education indicates the importance of linking the training in higher education with the professional world and defines a new frame of teachers’ professional competencies linked to the new formative priorities students must acquire in order to fit the needs of the labour market. Hence, the importance of the learning process is understood as Competency-Based Education and Training (Cbet). As far as ICT is concerned, a great amount of studies include their basic knowledge and use as professional key competencies. Thus, Coughlin (1999) emphasized the consequences of the spread of new technologies in the development of professional competencies. In the field of education, commanding technological competencies involves being able to operate technical devices, knowing their main features and potentialities, and their applicability as training tools. Consequently, the aim of this research has focused on the advantages and disadvantages of the application of technological tools to the teaching and learning process in the area of higher education.