Building Public Speaking Skills across the Curriculum

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The development of public speaking skills maintains both a cultural and historical presence for mankind. Today, these skills are recognized both in the educational field and the industrial marketplace as a crucial necessity for students. Yet, in many cases, educators fail to arm students with the essential skills to perform even the most rudimentary public speaking engagement. Students as young as five years old are often required to engage in public speaking activities without proper training. In some cases, these students learn to associate such experiences with a level of fear or anxiety inhibiting their ability to perform an essential skill set later in their lives. However, utilizing simple training techniques, educators can develop oral presentation skills at almost any age and across most any curriculum. In so doing, students are armed with the public speaking tools they will use throughout their educational and professional careers. This article will provide educators with simple techniques in developing public speaking skills. Procedures will focus on basic oration, experience-based learning, and techniques for building a support-based atmosphere.