Bring Back the Wow

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School students are increasingly rejecting science for study and careers. They complain that it is too hard and that classroom activities are boring. Their negative attitude has ramifications for teachers, universities and industries that employ scientists. The Discover Science @UWS program was developed by a consortium of four key stakeholders to provide enrichment activities in a Confocal Bio-imaging Facility where students could engage with scientists in authentic settings. Findings indicated that the students were motivated and inspired to learn scientific concepts well beyond their current knowledge. The nature of the activities challenged their learning, resulting in deep knowledge and understanding. The experience provided them with opportunities for enhanced appreciation of the study of science causing them to explore and question important decisions about study and career options. Another outcome was that their teachers and the academic researcher changed how they presented science to students. Conclusions from this study provide a strong argument for authentic workplace science activities. It also advocates for a review of current teaching strategies. The study suggests these elements impact on student interest in science and selection of science for further study and future career options.