Bridging the Learners from Local Cultures to Global EFL Learn ...

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Various designs of instruction for English as foreign language (EFL) writing courses have been developed in accordance with the emerging trends of approaches and uses of technologies but rarely consider learners’ needs. As a result, much writing instruction fails to raise learners’ competence. This article aims to identify the validity and practicality of instructional design based on the genre process approach for the undergraduate English program. Local cultures are shared in accordance with principles in developing appropriate instruction for teaching writing. Research and Development was used, where the model was validated by experts in teaching English as a foreign language before implementing it with 73 English learners at the State Islamic University Imam Bonjol of Padang, West Sumatra. The results showed that the model was appropriate, valid, and practical to be used in the EFL writing classroom. In the final model of Communicative Writing Instruction, we promote the syntax consisting of building knowledge of the field and modeling of text, joint construction, independent construction, and peer review.