Audiovisual Workshops for Refugees

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Copyright © 2021 Authors. Published By Common Ground Research Networks.
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This article addresses the role of audiovisual expression and creativity workshops (music, video, photography) during the “Curing the Limbo” project for adult refugees in social integration. Audiovisual workshops and the produced artworks contribute to the discussion of the ephemeral, complex, yet dynamically shifting notions of refugee belonging and identity within the current historical and sociopolitical context. Here the focus is on the photography workshop, where participants worked systematically on ideas and the themes of “self” and “home” through visual storytelling. Looking through the lens of their photographic and linguistic artworks and referring to discourses on art and migration, the article examines whether and how the processes unfolding within the workshops opened up new possibilities and perceptions of identity and belonging, potentially shaping counternarratives of forced migration.