A Focus/Will/Capability (F/W/C) System Based Organizational L ...

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In the last few years, Project Action Learning (PAL) of Law and Chuah (2004) has been adopted as an organizational learning (OL) vehicle in a real industrial setting. The PAL implementation needs a more structured evaluation instrument that can be used to monitor the learning dynamics and diagnose the health of learning climate in each OL unit, i.e. the PAL teams. Among the mainstream literatures in relation to the assessment of learning organization, we consider Smith and Tosey’s (1999) work to be the most suitable. Their Focus/Will/Capability (F/W/C) field model has provided us with an insightful idea of assessing OL performance via heuristic measurement. Smith and Tosey (1999) presented their F/W/C-performance system in relatively broad and abstract terms, allowing for the further development to meet the specific needs of certain OL environment with practical organizational settings. In this paper, we have built on to the theoretical framework of this F/W/C-performance model, a set of measurement factors associated with the dynamics and climate of the PAL driven OL. This paper describes the development and pilot testing of this F/W/C system based OL evaluation instrument. The psychometric properties of this instrument are examined through a pilot survey in the case company with an on-going PAL based OL implementation.