Activity Stream

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay posted a new update…

    The Olive Branch Petition

    My group was assigned to read and annotate "The Olive Branch Petition", written by John Dickson. This document was the colonists' first step to try and make peace with Great Britain. THroughout the document, John Dickson uses rhetoric to enhance his...More

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay has one new peer:

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay posted a new update…

    Common Sense

    The issue that Common Sense was trying to call the American people's attention to was that instead of always blaming certain ministers or Parliment itself, their anger should be directed to the King and the system that gave him his power. It express...More

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay two new peers:

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay posted a new update…

    Cause of the Revolutionary War

    The colonists were worried about a lot of events. One of those was the Boston Massacre, in which a small snowball fight turned into an armed confrontation where many were injured and five were killed. The colonists were concerned about this issue be...More

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay has one new peer:

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay joined one community:

    Added on August 18, 2017

  • Mickayla Blake Mickaykay

    Mickayla Blake Mickaykay joined one community:

    Added on August 17, 2017

  • Jacob Shoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker two new peers:

  • Jacob Shoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker posted a new update…

    Constructivism and Mathematics

    Constructivism is a psychological theory that roots itself in the idea that learning is cummulative. In order to learn and develop, a person must apply both the knowledge that he knows and the skills that he has mastered to the new stimuli and infor...More

  • Jacob Shoemaker

    Jacob Shoemaker joined one community:

    Added on June 27, 2017