Melissa Fajardo’s Updates

  • common sense

    Thomas Paine the author of Common Sense rejected what wa sgien towards him because he knew if he accepted everything would be ruined. ALso he challenges what is put in the way and ses what makes sense . " I challenge the warmest advocate for reconci...More

  • olive branch petition

    The point of the olive branch petition was so that great britain showed their power and showed and expressed their force and it was toward all 13 colonies. They wanted to show rights to colonists without disobeying the british rules. The colonists a...More

  • causes of revolutionary war

    I think that colonists were concerned because they weren'tgiven the rights as everyone else. The colonists suffered in some situations such as experienced taxes and all unequal laws made.Eventhough they were in a way being oppressed, so they resiste...More