Valeria Fuentes’s Updates

  • How does the author of that document use rhetoric to enhance his argument?

    The author of the Olive Branch Petition uses rhetoric to enhance his argument because he was trying to persuade King George III to allow the colonists to have peace, justice, and safety. An example in the document is, "God, to your Majesty, to our f...More

  • What was the purpose of the 'Olive Branch Petition' and what was the response by the country that received it?"

    The purpose of the 'Olive Branch Petition' was so that the colonists attempted to declare their rights while remaing loyal to the British. That attempt failed because King George rejected it. That caused the Americans to do something that the Britis...More

  • Response: Explain why the colonists were concerned about the issue, and make an educated guess as to how you think the formation of a new American government might address such an issue?

    In the Proclamation in 1763, the colonists were concerned about this particular issue because the Europeans wanted more land and once they signed the proclamation they got upset. This is because they believed that they deserved the Indian reservatio...More