Andry Fidele Ravalitera’s Updates

Module A3 : Week 1 Manager assignment

  1. You have been provided with a questionnaire used in the 2016-2017 Nigeria vaccination coverage survey. If you were to use this questionnaire as a model for one that you are developing for your own survey, what factors would you consider when reviewing and customizing the questionnaire to ensure that it is aligned to objectives relevant in your own country context?

Several factors should be considered to review and customize the questionnaire to ensure that it aligned to survey objectives.

Survey design to be used: a single or two stage design

In identification, administrative structure of the country and availability of enumeration areas from national institute of statistics will be considered

Language codes is not necessary because the same language is spoken wherever in the country.

Household information:

Ethnic group information must be well discussed with the ethical committee to avoid stigmatization and other ethnical problem. There is no official ethnic group definition.

Availability of informations from other survey for example WASH and wealthy indicators are already collected in MICS and DHS.

Immunization information

Vaccination schedule must be considered to identify age group to be included in the survey. For us, vaccination schedule target only children up to 11 months.

Adjust/add other reasons which may constitute obstacles according to local context in using informations from previous surveys.

Consider the place (fixed or outreach site) where and the moment when the child received vaccination. For us, in addition to normal activities at health center level, Mother and Child Week are held twice a year and outreach activities are organized by the health workers.

In town, identify service providers private vs public.


2. From the Nigeria questionnaire provided, develop a sample code book (data dictionary) ONLY for section 1: household information of the questionnaire. (You can attach an Excel or Word file in your Update and/or insert a screenshot of your file.)

AFR Codebook Section 1

3. Why is it important to have a unique identifier for each individual in a survey?

It is important to have a unique identifier for each individual in a survey because there is several tools and approach is used for date collection such as home based record, health center record, recall / history, photo of health card. Unique identifier avoid duplication of information because many children may have the same name and the unique identifier links all these tools.

4. If paper data collection and pictures are to be taken, how will you ensure that the pictures can be linked to the correct child?

In the form, a place has to be reserved for the photo of vaccination card. The unique identifier must be written by the supervisor in each form before interview and the picture must be renamed immediately with the unique identifier.

5. Data collection is increasingly being conducted using CAPI (computer assisted personal interviewing) with tools like CSPro, ODK, etc. What features would you recommend are added to the data collection software to improve overall data quality? What considerations for support and in case of malfunctions would you put in place (contingency planning, support and troubleshooting, etc.)?

To improve overall data quality, following features should be added to the data collection software:

At any question where it is needed, make an automatic and logical check in case of any typing error (string instead of value), or incoherence between data. Specific message giving reference question will appear in each identified error/incoherence

Automatic save at a defined point or group of question and a message for confirmation for a final version of the filled questionnaire.

Make a level of authorities for any change to be made on a filled questionnaire and make a confirmation demand for a completed questionnaire.

Malfunction must be avoided as much as possible before utilization of the software by organizing pretest, correction of any mistakes and validation. However, better organization of data collection especially meeting between surveyors and supervisors on a daily basis , has to be put in place.