Andry Fidele Ravalitera’s Updates

Module 2 A week 1 assignment

In your Update, address these five issues:

  1. List items currently missing from the questionnaire that are needed to achieve the stated survey objectives.
  • Bases on the survey objectives, following items are missing from the questionnaire:
  • Information related to IPV
  • All factors related to factors associated (rural/urban, sex, birth order, literacy of mother/caretaker, strategy used) with no or under vaccinated, except sector where child received the last vaccine or where child is usually vaccinated.

2. List questionnaire items currently unrelated to achieving the stated survey objectives.

Following items are not related to the stated survey objective:

  • Information about yellow fever
  • RI 118 to RI 134: side effect, message received
  • RI 135 to RI 140 Mobility questions

3. Recommend how to improve the alignment between questionnaire and the stated survey objectives.

To align questionnaire with the stated survey objectives, we have to organize questionnaire based on each survey objective. Take one by one each objective and make a tittle for a group of questions related this specific objective.

4. What steps would you take to ensure that interviewers ask the questions in the same standardized manner?

In order to ensure that interviewers ask questions in the same standardized manner, following steps are needed:

  • Develop an SOP (standard operating procedures) for the interviews
  • Do pretest
  • Review and adjust questionnaire after the pretest
  • Translate all questions in the local language (identify specific meaning of certain terms in local dialect because a same word may have different meanings in two different place.
  • After adjusting questionnaire, organize training with role play and field practice

5.What factors may contribute to ascertainment bias in this survey?

Accuracy of recall information and non-availability of information at health center level may contribute to ascertainment bias in this survey.