Andry Fidele Ravalitera’s Updates

Week 3 Assignement

0a. How many completed interviews to you expect? (AxBxC)

With apha 5%: with the same 85% of expected coverage 10 600 interviews are expected

0b. How many households will you need to visit to yield them? (AxBxCxDxE)

62 540 need to be visited

Question 1. What additional information would you need? Post your information request in the comments below. (Additional information needed will be posted on Wednesday of Week 3.)

Additionnal information are:

  • Delta value
  • Alpha value
  • Beta value allowing to determine power
  • Direction is already known (below)

Question 2. Based on this new request, what would be the overall sample size?

with delta value =10% ; alpha = 5% ; power=90% (Beta=10%) and previous informations

overall sample size would be = 4 440 with around 26 196 household to be visited.

Question 3. What decision would you make regarding the survey scope and objectives? What is your rationale for this decision?

My decision is to conduct the survey with this overall sample size with reasons below:

With this overall sample size, the survey is more manageable and it allows to meet all steering committee member’s (to classify each province coverage with the threshold coverage =90% and to have an estimated coverage (idea of coverage at national level). The most important things for steering committee is to know what are reasons and barriers leading lower coverage.