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Collaborative Intelligence

Collaborative Intelligence is a concept that refers to the collective problem-solving ability of a group of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. It involves the integration of individual cognitive abilities, knowledge, and skills to create a shared intelligence that is greater than the sum of its parts. In other words, collaborative intelligence is the ability of a group to solve problems that no individual member could solve alone.


Collaborative Intelligence can be applied in various contexts, such as in business, education, and research. For example, in a business context, collaborative intelligence can be used to improve decision-making processes, by bringing together individuals with different areas of expertise to solve complex problems. In an educational context, collaborative intelligence can be used to promote collaborative learning, by encouraging students to work together in groups to solve problems and share knowledge.


One example of Collaborative Intelligence in practice is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a collaborative online encyclopedia that is created and maintained by a community of volunteers from around the world. The content of Wikipedia is constantly evolving and improving, thanks to the collaborative efforts of its contributors. Each individual contributor brings their own knowledge and expertise to the table, and the collective intelligence of the community ensures that the information on Wikipedia is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date.


Another example of Collaborative Intelligence in practice is open-source software development. Open-source software is created and maintained by a community of developers who work together to improve the software andadd new features. The collaborative efforts of these developers help to ensure that the software is reliable, secure, and user-friendly. The open-source community operates on the principle of collaborative intelligence, bringing together individuals with different skills and expertise to work together towards a common goal.


Collaborative Intelligence is valuable because it allows individuals to pool their knowledge and skills to solve complex problems and achieve common goals. It promotes teamwork, communication, and creativity, and helps to improve the quality of problem-solving outcomes.




- Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces:

- Collaborative Intelligence: Using Teams to Solve Hard Problems:

- Wikipedia:


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