Activity Stream

  • Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi has one new peer:

  • Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi posted an update in Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    Educational Psychology: Attaining Productive Struggle in learning

    Educational Psychology is a branch of Psychology that deals with human development and learning processes. Learning is supposed to be a process that stimulates and activates the learner's mind. This is where the Productive Struggle comes into play...More

  • Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi posted an update in Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    The Effects of Social and Emotional Conditions in Learning

    The Social and Emotional conditions of a learner in learning cannot be overemphasised as it determines to a large extent whether learning goals and objectives are achieved. As we have learnt in previous classes the social mind of a learner helps the...More

  • Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi posted an update in Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    The Social Mind and Learning

    James Paul Gee spoke about the Social Mind as being the actual mind we have. No one has a mind that exists just as a mind on its own, whatever the mind is made of is as such as the social environment has made it. The nature of the mind as it develop...More

  • Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi commented on Discussion Forum: Essential Update #1 - June 03, 2024 in Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC

    @Jessica Arvizu, A teacher's role here cannot truly be underestimated especially positive reinforcement. This also builds the child in other aspects of their lives. Thanks.

  • Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi joined one community:

    Added on June 03, 2024

  • Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi posted a new update…

    A Summary of B.F. Skinner's Work

    My understanding of B.F. Skinner's work is the point he emphasizes which is the fact that no human does things just because they want to do it. Humans will only do anything they do because of the results, and rewards(reinforcements) they get from it...More

  • Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi

    Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi added interests Language learning, Afro-American Literature and Child Development.

    Added on June 01, 2024