Ayomide Ogunfeyitimi’s Updates

A Summary of B.F. Skinner's Work

My understanding of B.F. Skinner's work is the point he emphasizes which is the fact that no human does things just because they want to do it. Humans will only do anything they do because of the results, and rewards(reinforcements) they get from it. When a child obeys, he only does so because of the reward of being trusted or the gifts he will get. Even when a person overeats and it negatively affects them, you most likely still find such a person eats as much again because it is the food now controlling them, not themselves.

I partially think this is true after observing my life and the life of a few other people. I realized that, although sometimes we do some things for the fun of it, we would agree that the fun we get is unconsciously or subconsciously a reinforcement. Although B.F. Skinner's experiments to arrive at this theory seem weird, but the outcome theory is relatable and true. 

As a teacher, most times when a quiet student answers questions in class, I give gifts or applause and this motivates the student to prepare for the class and answer questions in subsequent classes. He or she feels encouraged, appreciated and loved by the teacher.