Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

corporeal differences(of the body) physical and mental abilities

Growing up, we have always observed gender differences among girls and boys in school in a variety of contexts.This update will explore specific differences in physical and motor skills, cognitive abilities and more.First, "Physical Activity and Motor Skills".Within the realm of physical activity and motor skills, researchers have found that boys are generally more active than girls. Boys tend to have trouble sitting still for lengthy periods, and therefore do not enjoy activities that are sedentary in nature. Reading, coloring, and activities that require sitting still are more difficult for boys.Therefore,It's important to understand the educational implications of gender differences between boys and girls. Curriculum, especially involving physical education classes and group sports, should provide equal opportunities for boys and girls to maximize their physical well-being and athletic skills.Second,"Cognitive Abilities and Achievement Motivation".When taking standardized assessments, boys and girls typically perform the same. This is due in part to testing standards in validity and reliability. Researchers have identified gender differences in cognitive abilities,Boys do tend to show greater variability in cognitive abilities. Boys, more so than girls, appear at the extreme upper and lower ends of the assessment spectrum.Therefore,In terms of educational importance, curriculum should involve opportunities for boys and girls to explore areas that they may not feel high self-efficacy towards (such as reading and writing for boys and science and math for girls). These opportunities should promote achievement and appreciation for the unfamiliar or uncomfortable subject matter.

  • Alvaro Sánchez