Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Section 9: Making Meaning by Reading

Media embedded April 23, 2016
Media embedded April 23, 2016

In this update and the next, we examine written language, beginning in this update with a discussion of different approaches to learning about the connections between the sounds of speaking and the written representation of these sounds. Here, we explore approaches to reading, or making sense from written meanings.

To explore these issues further, read the supporting material on the Literacies website.

Comment Below: Why is reading so controversial? What's behind the difference in approach?

Make an Update: Analyse an approach to reading or reading program that you have encountered, or used, or would like to find out more about. Use the concepts introduced in this section to explore the pedagogy that underlies this approach or program.

  • Gayatri Bhagowati
  • Nuntana Wongthai
  • Angelo Oliveria
  • Johairah Macaslang
  • Gayatri Bhagowati
  • Selin Ak Tezgören
  • Gayatri Bhagowati
  • Tauzhan Kaiipbek
  • Tamer Mohamed
  • Avs79 Avs
  • Irene Venus
  • Lavine Lima
  • Irene Venus
  • Kyriaki Dermitzaki